DRPU PC Data Manager is a program that will keep a record of every keystroke made on your computer's keyboard. This key logger will monitor the activity of your keyboard, and will secretly record every key pressed. This can be useful to know what your employees do during office hours, or the sites that your kids visit when they are unsupervised.
The program will store each entry with information about its date and time, window caption, application path, input keystrokes and active user. You can test the program in the unhidden mode, but you can hide its window for the actual surveillance. You can later open the program by using the hot keys you set up (CTRL-SHIFT-F4 by default) to view which keystrokes were pressed.
The program can also record reports and save them to a file that you can print and read later. These reports can be your proof should you need to talk to your employee/child/spouse about any misuse of your computer. You can configure the program to produce .TXT or .HTML reports, for a set date range, including all the keystrokes or just the printable ones.
The demo version of DRPU PC Data Manager will work fully for fifteen days.